50 Gründe, Donald Trump nicht zu wählen - Halloween-Special von "Die Simpsons"

Auch in diesem Jahr gibt es wieder ein Halloween-Special der Simpsons.

In Anbetracht der bevorstehenden US-Wahl am 3. November 2020, bei der Amtsinhaber Donald Trump (Republikaner) gegen Herausforderer Joe Biden (Demokraten) antritt, haben sich die Simpsons-Macher etwas ganz besonderes ausgedacht. Sie führen 50 Gründe auf, weshalb die US-Amerikaner bei der Wahl nicht Donald Trump als Präsidenten wählen sollte. Finden wir gut!


Einen Ausschnitt der Folge findet ihr unter diesem YouTube-Link. Darin zu sehen ist, wie Homer in der Wahlkabine steht und nicht weiß, wo Stelle er sein Kreuzchen setzen soll. Daraufhin kommt seine Tochter Lisa und zählt 50 Gründe auf, die dafür sprechen, Donald Trump nicht zu wählen.



Made it okay to shoot hibernating bears

Put children in cages

Called Mexicans rapists

Imitated disabled reporter

Looks lousy in a tennis outfit

Can’t get wife to hold hand

Called third world countries ****holes

Called Tim Cook ‘Tim Apple’

Said Jewish people who vote Democrat are disloyal

Showed top secret documents at Mar-A-Lago restaurant

Called white supremacists ‘fine people’

Leaked classified information to Russian ambassador

Asked the president of Ukraine to investigate the Bidens

Called for China to investigate the Bidens

Walked into the dressing room at Miss Teen USA pageant

Pressed the Australian prime minister to help Barr investigate Mueller

Talked about grabbing *****

Lied about the size of his inauguration

Refused to release tax returns

Gutted the E.P.A.

Confiscated and destroyed interpreter’s notes after meeting with Putin

Tweeted classified photo of Iran missile site

Called Baltimore a ‘disgusting, rat and rodent-infested mess’

Described Meryl Streep as ‘over-rated’

Leaked information to the press about the 2017 Manchester arena bombing

Did not attend any White House correspondents’ dinner

Said Megyn Kelly had ‘blood coming out of her whatever’

Called Carly Fiorina ‘horseface’

Ruined impeachment

Brought Ivanka to the G7 summit

Corrupted Congress

Appointed and didn’t fire Betsy DeVos

Put Jared in charge of Mideast

Served McDonald’s to Clemson football team

Destroyed democracy

Lost Hong Kong

Threatened Marie Yovanovitch

Pulled the U.S. out of climate agreement

Allowed bounties on soldiers

Invaded Portland

Withdrew from W.H.O.

Bragged about knowing the date

Commuted sentences

Said to swallow bleach

Person, woman, man, camera, TV

Destroyed post office

Paid $750 in taxes

Wants third term

Wanted to be on Mount Rushmore

And we haven’t even said the worst one

via: Dressed Like Machines


Viele gute Informationen zur bevorstehenden US-Wahl am 3. November findet ihr auf der us-amerikanischen Webseite fivethirtyeight.com.

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